Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 5. Kaua’i’s Kalalau Trail continued.

We got a late start today but reached the Kalalau Valley and Beach around 4 PM and had plenty of time to play in the ocean. Watching some whales jumping about a half-mile off-shore caused part of this morning’s delay. Those animals can sure make a big splash! The total distance covered today was about nine miles. The route had a lot of up and down and was filled with some great views, although the haze made for sub-par photography. A majority of the people we met on the trail today were those who are living illegally in Kalalau Valley. Most of them will spend a couple weeks in the backcountry and then head into town for a while to get food (and some how earn a living??) for a few days. They all seemed friendly and really love this valley.

Pictures from the Kalalau Trail and the Nä Pali Coast can be found here.

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